West Country folk have opinions too.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Great responses

After reading Lloyd's blog concerning things you wished you'd said but didn't think of until too late. I started thinking about the great replies that were thought of in good time. Two great replies (probably not new to you) that would have made me very proud to utter.

"After being asked what he thought about Western civilisation, Gandhi replied that he thought "It was a good idea""

Second favourite, and probably the most well known:

Bessie Braddock: Mr Churchill, you are drunk.Winston Churchill : And you madam, are ugly. But I shall be sober tomorrow.

Great replies, of course there are many more, share if you will.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Behold, I give you a...

Update about Tinky/Tinker/Stinker/ Taylor. After our last scan, we can now reveal that the growth in Jo's tummy is a Fellah. Either that or a three legged girl, hopefully not though, nappies would be expensive.

It's great to begin to imagine a little of what the future holds. Trying to work out whether he will be into extreme sports or be a pro Rugby player. Obviously I'll teach him all I know about both subjects whilst skillfully steering him clear of the dreadful football. Seriously, so chuffed, so thankful to God for what he has given Jo and I, and so excited about whats to come. Plus it's made the name choosing discussions easier by half.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Not Qualified

Don't know if anyone else watched Hulk last night? Well I did, and it got me wondering, what is the worst film adaptation of a comic (sorry graphic novel) book. I know I'm probably not qualified to start a conversation about this, but I'm gonna anyway.

So far I would have to say Hulk is the worst I've seen, followed by Fantastic Five (or whatever it was, they really should have worked out a title that was further removed from Enid's work).

Let me know

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Today on the train I was sat opposite a young guy, 16ish. I think he thought he was hard, he was trying to look sullen and aggressive at the same time. After a few minutes he pulled on a tight black glove on one hand only (which in itself is weird I think, a bit Jacksonesque) he was staring at people almost daring them to catch his eye, then, with a kind of arrogant panache he pulled out a cartoon of Ribena and had a drink. Good job I didn't laugh, he might have got his cap gun out.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Hit me... If you're from a foreign country

Probably you've seen my lovely 'neo counter' which amongst other things records the countries that viewers of the blog are currently in. Well, I want to see how many different countries I can get listed on it (this is kinda like the what the Cole's wanted to do with gaining their own record for numbers of comments, except if I got more than 8 comments I'd be on to a record). So what I want people to do, if they'd be so kind, is if you go abroad, just pop in the blog. Or if you know anyone that would log on from another country then ask them to hit me, well hit my blog really.

Friday, October 20, 2006


Ive been thinking about insecurities, I was chatting with a friend a few moments ago, thinking about insecurities, and how we need to shed them in order to become who we really are. But then I started thinking about my own insecurities, and though I do believe I must overcome them to become who I can be, my insecurities seem to be part of who I am, my driving force. Would I be me without them. One of my reason for working with young people is that I struggled when I was young, which in turn kicked off some of my insecurities.

So, can we we overcome our insecurities? In doing so do we deny who we are?

Let me know what you think.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Sorry Si

The interview went really well. I think I did the best I could so will have to wait and see. The job still looks great so I still want it, but we'll see. It will probably be a while before I hear back from them.

Thanks for praying guys.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Slysdexic moment

My interview is today, wasn't last thursday. Just about to leave now. Will keep you updated.

Monday, October 16, 2006

it can happen to anyone, but really, in church

Went to my parents Church yesterday, during the communion service a lady stood up to share a thought, what she said was great. She was talking about the majesty of God, which is good. But unfortunately got tongue tied. In the process of saying God is majestic, she ended up saying Maji-testicle, which made me laugh which wasn't good.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

No excuse, just go

Just got in from watching 'an inconvenient truth' and no matter what some may have said, or what you might think you believe, you need to see this film. I wont say too much more, other than it is a an extremely well made documentary, its attention grabbing and keeping the entire way through. It's not "Hollywood-ised" it's real. Check out the climate crisis website.

Watch it.

Every cloud

Well, must say I'm a bit disappointed that no one commented in support of our boys the cherry and whites, but then got some good news which helped me through.

I 've got interview on Thursday! Hurrah. This one is for the post of Preventative Worker. Working with young people and their families trying to be really proactive. It looks great and I think i would really love a job like this. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Just to let you know

A previous post highlighted the sucesses of my rugby team, also it called you all to support Gloucester Rugby Club. Obviously you all do now support 'The Cherry and Whites" (our nickname for the boys). Thought i'd give you some more reasons if any of you are fringe supporters only.

Friday, October 06, 2006

arty farty


Try it, you might like it


Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Vintage adverts

You've got to inspect each ad by clicking on it, my favourites are "she may look clean but" and "senile agitation"

Spirals are cool

It's true look

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

When is an apple not an apple?

Regarding one of my previous posts about the Salvation Army, and also in reference to the posts of other bloggers. My current thought is 'Can The Salvation Army really be The Salvation Army if it doesn't have openness and honesty in it's dealings, in fact can the Salvation Army even be Church'.

As a West Wing fan I take great joy in quoting roughly a line from the show. "There are two thing you never want to let anyone see how you make, Laws and Sausages'. Mainly I guess because laws are sometimes made in corrupt ways, and sausages are sometimes full of rubbish. One of the main reasons people try and cover things up is to hide the real truth, maybe also so they can achieve their goals in dubious ways.

For me, two things are key in all Christian work, integrity and relationship. How can a Christian organisation call itself that if it doesn't have both characteristics from the top down. I think leadership really can have a positive and negative impact on those it leads simply by the way it goes about it's business. I think God honours integrity and relationship, and I wonder what he does with when he sees the opposite.

Let me know what you think
