West Country folk have opinions too.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Today on the train I was sat opposite a young guy, 16ish. I think he thought he was hard, he was trying to look sullen and aggressive at the same time. After a few minutes he pulled on a tight black glove on one hand only (which in itself is weird I think, a bit Jacksonesque) he was staring at people almost daring them to catch his eye, then, with a kind of arrogant panache he pulled out a cartoon of Ribena and had a drink. Good job I didn't laugh, he might have got his cap gun out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was the glove to protect him from the Ribena. Do our youth know something we don't about the inherent dangers of 'Ribena'!?!

10:32 pm

Blogger Leggs said...

There's nothing cooler than a one gloved man brandishing a sugary drink.. . . Did he handle the whole get the straw out of its plastic case thing with equal style?

12:15 am

Blogger Stevo said...

every move was calculated panache. I believe he must have been an experienced Ribena user. Ribena is dangerous, serious teeth rotting risks.

4:37 pm

Blogger lucy ar said...

oooh. i love ribena.

i was walking up the streeet the other day and i saw about 10 different teens wearing one skeleton glove. they weren't drinking ribena though. but it did look really silly and they looked like they felt a bit silly as well.

i felt like an adult...especially when i noticed one of them had their shoe lace undone and i nearly told her about it.

9:18 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's very funny.

Eddie Izzard describes a 'circle of cool' in which you look like a dork, look a bit cool, more cool, very cool, super cool and then go too far round the circle and end up looking like a dork again. This sounds like a classic case.

5:33 am

Blogger Stevo said...

That's it, the cool cycle. Not sure he made it to super cool first. Maybe he just regressed.

10:20 am


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