West Country folk have opinions too.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

My boy and his buddies

Not much to say, just thought I'd give you some photo's to look at.

Lola, Ewan and Hudson. They all had a bath together last night, I think their mum's did it because they wanted to have the story to tell in 18 years.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those pics are awesome.

Your boys is as big as the others already!

11:02 am

Blogger Anita said...

Ah, they are all gorgeous - someone's making a mint out of those bodysuits!!!

8:06 pm

Blogger yojot said...

I think it's amazing how like their Dad's they all are. Ewan's long and slim, Hudson's tall and strong and Lola's bald... (he he he)

10:28 am

Blogger Stevo said...

The bodysuits were a present, which left Hudson covered in Glitter. I hope he doesn't get a phobia.

11:31 am

Blogger Anita said...

As we'd say to Max in this house STEP AWAY FROM THE GLITTER!!!!

11:20 am

Blogger Leggs said...

Maybe it won't be a phobia with glitter - maybe the opposite will happen and he'll just want to dress in it often - have you thought of that?

3:54 pm


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