West Country folk have opinions too.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Not Qualified

Don't know if anyone else watched Hulk last night? Well I did, and it got me wondering, what is the worst film adaptation of a comic (sorry graphic novel) book. I know I'm probably not qualified to start a conversation about this, but I'm gonna anyway.

So far I would have to say Hulk is the worst I've seen, followed by Fantastic Five (or whatever it was, they really should have worked out a title that was further removed from Enid's work).

Let me know


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hulk's not the worst. It got a little lost mid-way - was 40 mins too long and then ending was written whilst High but there are worse out there.

F4 is not great.

There was an old adaptation of The Punisher with Dolph Lungren in it which was only just half decent.

Captain America was made once and stank.

Ghost Rider looks like its gonna be poo.

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen was a little bit poo, but entertaining none the less, they just messed the characters up in that one.

V for Vendetta was good but annoyed me in that they cast an American and an Australian (he's actually Nigerian) to play 2 Brits. Not because I dislike either nation, but because their accents were off most of the film.

11:58 am

Blogger Stevo said...

I knew i was unqualified to comment on this, i didn't even know some of those were comic characters Lloyd

12:31 pm


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