West Country folk have opinions too.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Behold, I give you a...

Update about Tinky/Tinker/Stinker/ Taylor. After our last scan, we can now reveal that the growth in Jo's tummy is a Fellah. Either that or a three legged girl, hopefully not though, nappies would be expensive.

It's great to begin to imagine a little of what the future holds. Trying to work out whether he will be into extreme sports or be a pro Rugby player. Obviously I'll teach him all I know about both subjects whilst skillfully steering him clear of the dreadful football. Seriously, so chuffed, so thankful to God for what he has given Jo and I, and so excited about whats to come. Plus it's made the name choosing discussions easier by half.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome news.

We'll dig out our baby name books for ya.

11:04 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really glad things are going well - it's great to hear your news. Keep us posted.

4:38 am

Blogger Simon said...

A boy - Excellent!

Jo will have to wait till next time for a girl.

( my bet is that after this one she'll want another boy!)

5:15 pm

Blogger Stevo said...

it's funny, before we knew, we might have had slight preferences, but as soon as we knew it was a boy we were 100% chuffed.

7:40 pm

Blogger Hoylus said...

congrats mate.

10:34 am


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