West Country folk have opinions too.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Timeless Viewing

Im not referring to some of the classic televisual treats available that you might expect. But to the West Wing. Just started watching the whole lot again for the umpteenth (feel like my Gran saying that) time, is it really that good, or do i just have too much time on my hands?

Either way, i'm watching and enjoying even laughing at the old jokes i know so well.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

It's life Jim but not as we know it

No, not the down classed Pluto. Just a forgoten mug at the in-laws.

Seriously though, if there is life out there somewhere, the Plutons will be pretty miffed that we think their home is no longer a planet. Maybe the Jupitons think Earth is just a pretty moon.

Things to do at the river

I have to admit, I am quietly proud.


Number 90 belongs to someone else, how weird is that. After much faffing the buyers finally lived up to their role and bought. I suppose I really should now send them the window keys.


Saw this and though of you Si, not because you are one of course.

tres bon tres bon

Back now from les Francais. Lovely time had by all, particularly the stomach bugs we all picked up, they had a whale of a time. Lots of fun and sun.

Especially memorable was Speleologie, which is Frenchish for Caving. That was awesome, 8 hours exploring an enormous cave system, was a little tricky as my grasp of the French language isn't exactly prize winning. I can say that my brothers hair is blue and his eyes are blond, and then book him a campsite, but that doesn't help explain the way that thousands of different types of stalactite/stalagmite etc things are formed. More difficult was that there are no toilets in caves, and I had to hold it (metaphorically and literally) for 9 hours. Saw some awesome sights and creation down in the pitch darkness, even saw living things that survive in the virtually sealed and completely dark environment. How does that work, it was only a maggoty thing, but still... I was very glad to get out of the cave felt a bit claustrophobic by the end, though that may have been because my bladder had expanded as never before.

It funny though, its (almost) always good to get back home after holiday, even if it is raining.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

On a summer holiday

so no more blogging for a week or two.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Big Kid?

I think I've had the best birthday present ever, even better than the coffee machine - shock gasp. Jo got me a mountain board, and it is truly awesome. To ride it is something between Snowboarding and Longboarding, maybe more like Snowboarding though. It is however, way more scary than both of the other board experiences, I've got a nice graze to prove it (of which I am strangely proud).

Now yesterday as I was stood at the top of a big hill preparing to descend, all I could think about, apart from if I might get a more impressive injury, was am I a big kid, or do I just think I'm being a big kid because I'm enjoying myself? On many levels board sports are no different from any other sports i.e. football, and at least I am being true to what I enjoy. Rather than, I suspect, of the many billions of so called football lovers, a fair percentage only claim to enjoy it in order to fit in.

Who knows? All I do know is, that though I've hurt myself I still want to have another go.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Feel like being petutlant

"wouldn't have accepted it anyway, is what I feel like saying. Incase you're wondering if the house packing has driven me mad, well you'd be correct but that has nothing to do with this. Just a bit miffed, I got invited to another interview, but I'm on holiday on the particular day and they wont re-arrange it. So back to my previous patulance, "wouldn't have accpeted it anyway"

Sloane Ranger

I may have to stop blogging so as to cease and desist all contact with the common folk. My nearest grocery store is Harrods, and i don't want to associate with the riff raff any longer. Ha, only joking of course.

Number 90 is now vacated. As yet unsold, so your prayers would be much appreciated on that one, though we are climbing the class ladder a fair rate of knots, we cant really afford a house we don't live in. Plus if you read Lloyds blog, you'll be aware that the ratting government might take our house off us.