West Country folk have opinions too.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

tres bon tres bon

Back now from les Francais. Lovely time had by all, particularly the stomach bugs we all picked up, they had a whale of a time. Lots of fun and sun.

Especially memorable was Speleologie, which is Frenchish for Caving. That was awesome, 8 hours exploring an enormous cave system, was a little tricky as my grasp of the French language isn't exactly prize winning. I can say that my brothers hair is blue and his eyes are blond, and then book him a campsite, but that doesn't help explain the way that thousands of different types of stalactite/stalagmite etc things are formed. More difficult was that there are no toilets in caves, and I had to hold it (metaphorically and literally) for 9 hours. Saw some awesome sights and creation down in the pitch darkness, even saw living things that survive in the virtually sealed and completely dark environment. How does that work, it was only a maggoty thing, but still... I was very glad to get out of the cave felt a bit claustrophobic by the end, though that may have been because my bladder had expanded as never before.

It funny though, its (almost) always good to get back home after holiday, even if it is raining.


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