West Country folk have opinions too.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Implied metrosexuality?

Football or tennis. That is the question.

Obviously this last month or so has been a treat for sports fans. Though which sport tickled your fancy might be different to the expected. World Cup football, pah. Wimbledon, hurrah.

I think my preference for tennis is partly due to the higher professionalism and sportspersonship I perceive when watching. I can't stand the diving etc evident in almost every football match I've ever seen. Does this preference for tennis over football imply metrosexuality in the uk and/or beyond?

Your thoughts please, on the metrosexual thing and the football tennis thing...


Blogger Simon said...

i'm not sure that the metrosexual fits in either case for the supporter/watcher. i would say that there is much more evidence of metrosexuals in the world of football than tennis.

3:37 pm

Blogger Simon said...

When are we next going to play TG?

3:37 pm

Blogger Stevo said...

Regards TG, whenever you're free. Im back

4:46 pm

Blogger Simon said...

cool - lets sort something out then...
I've lost all my phone number by the way so give me a text sometime

12:02 pm


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