West Country folk have opinions too.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Quick thought

My wife, Jo and I think a lot about what Church could or should be like. If you would be so kind, I would like your thoughts, please tell me your 'Top Two' thoughts on what Church should or could be. If you're not a Church goer or Christian, then I welcome your thoughts all the more.


Blogger lucy ar said...

2 is really hard. these are the 2 that pop into my head straight off.

1- a church that had a major nature theme- instead of meetings big tramps/hikes in the forest, mountains, beaches, river picnics.

2-a church that doesn't thrive on guilt tripping and duty. (My church at mo is pretty good at that, but its a rarity)

what are yours? oi, can u tell jo to get cracking on her blog pls.

9:57 pm

Blogger lucy ar said...

wow. doesn't my dent de lion look pretty in my picture.

9:58 pm

Blogger Stevo said...

Hey lu, i will tell her, but as you well know she never listens to me about this type of thing ;-)

10:37 am

Blogger Glyn Harries said...

1) Church should be motivated by love - not success.

2) Church should be a place where people feel able to fail.

I guess (2) would be a result of (1) but then I could probably come up with 100 things Church should be and it would be a result of (1).

8:28 pm


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