West Country folk have opinions too.

Friday, June 16, 2006

To be me i need...

A quick question or two for you:

Do you need people around you to help you to be the person you are?

Are you defined as a person whatever company you keep?

(does this post look like a job advert..if so we need you...it's not meant to)

Just interested, i think i change depending on the company i keep. With some people i struggle to be myself, others i seem to become more than i am. With some it's just comfortable. Maybe it's the introvert in me?


Blogger Simon said...

yes - i'm with you on the acting differently with different people.
I try to be the same me and true to who i am, just in some company my outward self is different to suit the different people i'm in contact with.

3:33 pm

Blogger Stevo said...

Nicely put mate

4:33 pm

Blogger Jon said...

I am who I am mate ;)- thats someone who does adapt depending on what company I'm keeping, to some I'm known as sue.

9:33 am


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