West Country folk have opinions too.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

5 things you didnt know about me

This is a follow on from Lloyds blog

1: When I was born I was so fat that I couldn't open my eyes for a few days.
2: I won the Perpetual Cup for Engineering Excellence at college. I was only one of two people who completed the course. And the college has to give the award every year.
3: When I play Solitaire I feel compeled to line up the Aces in the order of Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs then Spades.
4: I pick my nose and eat it
5: I can get 78 pringles in my mouth

Feel free to add your own list or link


Blogger lucy ar said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

8:21 am

Blogger Leggs said...

Imagine my pride at being your sister.

12:09 am

Blogger Leggs said...

And about the pringles thing - do you use the bogeys as a lubricant or is that a completely separate event?

12:10 am


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