West Country folk have opinions too.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Left or right? Who knows

So as you probably know I'm not working at the moment. You may not know that I am struggling to work out what God has for me, every time something comes up, it ends up not working for one reason or other. Part of me just wants to know more of who I am, and what I'm supposed to be doing.

I remembered a verse last night that I have always misunderstood, so I re-read it today and it has given me hope. It hasn't taken away the confusion, but I'll take confusion any day of the week if it comes with hope. The verse is Isaiah 30:21-22 and great in the message. "Your teacher will be right there, local and on the job, urging you on whenever you wander left or right: "This is the right road, walk down this road". So I guess all I need to do is keep looking for different roads to walk down, and keep asking God "Yes or No?" I know God has a plan, I think he's shared part of that with me, just because I can't see what's round the next corner, it doesn't mean that the road I can't see isn't there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:17 pm


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